There’s no getting around the fact that if you want your pet to live a happy and healthy life – it is vital they have a healthy mouth!

When left untreated, dental disease causes irritation and pain in your pet’s mouth, and can cause more serious issues if left to develop further. The build-up of plaque and tartar that accumulates on your pet’s teeth causes infection in the gums. Bacteria from these infections can then travel in the bloodstream and impact the heart, lungs, and kidneys. Ultimately, dental disease can cause a domino effect of health concerns for your pet, so it pays to know the signs of discomfort and the symptoms of dental problems in them:

– Bad breath: bad breath is actually a reason for real concern, as it’s usually indicative of bacteria in the mouth
– Redness of the gums
– Drooling form the mouth
– Loss of appetite, or reluctance to eat “hard” foods
– Weight loss

Sometimes the signs can be subtle, and you may not notice anything at all – as cats and dogs are masters of hiding pain and discomfort. This is why we recommend dental checks at least twice yearly in order to maintain the health of your pet’s mouth – plus offer you advice on how best to keep their pearly whites in perfect condition! If identified and treated as soon as possible, larger problems can be stopped before they have a chance to become life-threatening. In the most part, we will recommend a procedure to help remove the plaque and tartar, and resolve any infection. We will also remove any diseased teeth that might be causing your pet significant pain.

What if my pet is a senior citizen? Should they still have anaesthetic?
As our pets age, their immune system becomes less effective at fighting off bacterial and viral diseases. It is critical that your senior pet has regular checks, as some of the subtle signs of pain and discomfort can often be put down to “just getting old”. It is very common for us to see an older pet with dental disease, but some may be reluctant to pursue a dental treatment as they are worried about their senior pet having to undergo an anaesthetic. But have no fear! Veterinary anaesthetics are equivalent to those used in human medicine and are very safe.

In order to provide your pet with the safest anaesthetic possible, prior to the procedure, we may recommend a blood and urine test to check the overall health of your pet and tailor the anaesthetic protocol accordingly. We know that your pet is precious, so we will ensure that every possible step is taken to ensure their health and safety. When it comes to your pet’s oral health, we are here to offer the best help and advice.

If you are worried about the health of your pet’s mouth we are offering 15% off all dentistry, PLUS, a free gift for every furry patient! This offer is until the end of August 2019. Call us today, or email at and book a space for your furry family member!