Canine 3 yearly vaccinations
The adult dog vaccine used at Malvern Vet for distemper, hepatitis and parvo virus lasts for a full three years. This “C3” vaccine has been specifically tested and registered for use on a 3 yearly basis. Not all C3 vaccines last for 3 years. There is no vaccine available for the two most commonly occurring diseases – parainfluenza virus and bordetella bronchoseptica (which cause canine cough). Our vets recommend using the triennial C3 vaccine every 3 years, and the parainfluenza/bordetalla vaccine annually. This is the best “C5” coverage available.
Malvern Vet Hospital can provide vaccinations for dogs and cats of all ages. Vaccinations are extremely important for animals of any age as they can be exposed to many threatening diseases. Puppies need to be exposed to as many experiences as possible and the new vaccinations used at Malvern Vet provide a safe way to do so. Our veterinary clinic specialises in animal vaccinations in addition to cat desexing, dog desexing, dog grooming, cat grooming, cat boarding and more to ensure your animal receives the highest level of care.
At our veterinary clinic, your pet will receive a thorough clinical examination with their required vaccination. Our vets and nursing staff will take utmost care treating every patient. Whether your animal requires a first time vaccination, cat desexing, dog desexing, cat boarding, dog grooming or microchipping, our team will provide a professional, caring service each time.
To book in your animal for vaccinations or other veterinary services, contact our vet clinic today.
Puppy Vaccinations
Malvern Vet Hospital recommends that puppies receive three vaccinations spaced one month apart: at 6-8 weeks, 10-12 weeks, and 14-16 weeks. This vaccination schedule helps ensure that your puppy builds a strong immunity to common canine diseases, giving them the best protection as they grow and explore the world. Booster injections will not be required until they are over 14 months old. This vaccination covers distemper, hepatitis, parvovirus, bordetella bronchoseptica, and parainfluenza 2 – canine cough/kennel cough. The vaccines used at Malvern vet provide a superior coverage – in most cases allowing for the pups to begin socialising early (often as early as 10 weeks!). Early socialisation reduces the chance of behavioural issues developing later in life. Ask your vet for a recommendation for your pup.
Adult Dog Vaccinations
The triennial C5 vaccine given at our veterinary clinic covers for distemper, hepatitis & parvovirus for 3 years, and covers the bordetella bronchoseptica and parainfluenza 2 (canine cough/kennel cough) for one year. The heartworm injection also covers your adult dog for one year.

Kitten Vaccinations
Kittens need to be vaccinated at 8, 12 and 16 weeks of age. We recommend an F5 vaccination as it covers for feline enteritis, herpes, calcivirus, chlamydia and feline leukaemia. For kittens who will be allowed outside now or as adults, we also recommend the FIV (AIDS) vaccine. Feline AIDS is highly prevalent in the feline community and is contracted through bite and scratch wounds. People cannot contract Feline AIDS.
Adult Cat Vaccinations
Cats need annual booster injections to remain healthy. For indoor cats we recommend an F5 ( feline enteritis, herpes, calcivirus, Chlamydia, and feline leukaemia) and an F6 (includes feline AIDS) for cats that spend some of their time outside. Recent studies show that between 14% and 29% of cats in the community are positive for the feline AIDS virus (FIV). FIV is spread through cat bite and scratch wounds and causes a condition similar to human AIDS. If a cat has never been vaccinated for FIV before, they will need a series of three vaccinations to give them adequate immunity. A blood test prior to vaccinating is recommended for high risk adult cats to make sure they don’t already have the disease.
Why Choose Malvern Vet Hospital?
We are an Australian Veterinary Association (AVA) Accredited Hospital, which recognises companion animal practices that achieve the highest levels of quality healthcare and practice management. Our standard of care and commitment to you is evident in the quality of our services and your experience during every visit. We take pride in our services, which include dog desexing, dog grooming, cat desexing, cat boarding, veterinary consults, vaccinations and more.
Our accredited veterinary staff can also help prepare your pet for export overseas. We have over 20 years experience preparing pets going overseas and can both assist with animal exportation preparation and help define the criteria that needs to be met before travel.
Malvern Vet Hospital is open 7 days a week and has a team of industry professionals that are committed to practicing the highest standards of medicine.
For further information on dog desexing, cat desexing, dog grooming, cat boarding, vaccinations or other services contact Malvern Vet Hospital today.